Friday, May 23, 2008

Xenophobic violence in South Africa a good thing?

Maybe the current xenophobic violence in South Africa was a good thing. Maybe now the international community will take note of not only the injustices that are taking place in this country against other black Africans but also against other white Africans. It is all wrong. And this government seems unable to do anything about either of these injustices.

I hate to say this: Maybe we should also become “freedom fighters” to save ourselves. To enable us to live in our own country.

But: Personally I do not favor a violent solution. I still believe in “the pen is mightier than the sword”. I would rather publish posts to this blog till my fingers bleed before I will hurt one single man, woman or child. One can never fix a wrong with another wrong. One can only fix it with a right. We have to learn from our past.

The current government in South Africa sew violence before they came into power and they are reaping violence. Now they have to stop it and – as with many other things – they are failing miserably. They can not control the violence against whites – about which the international community still today is agonizingly silent. They can also not control the xenophobia which has now spread nearly country wide in South Africa. About this injustice at least the international community is screaming their pretty little heads off. Still sitting with blinkers on. Violence against blacks is wrong. But it seems, according to the reaction of the international community at least, that they think the ongoing violence against whites is fine! Why this double standards goodness knows.

Violence against anybody is wrong. That is all there is to it.

Interesting the definition of xenophobia that I found on Wikipedia: Xenophobia is a fear or contempt of that which is foreign or unknown, especially of strangers or foreign people. It comes from the Greek words xenos, meaning “foreigner,” “stranger,” and phobos, meaning “fear.” The term is typically used to describe a fear or dislike of foreigners or of people significantly different from oneself.

Is this not what is all the time happening in South Africa against the whites? And the same thing now against blacks of other countries?